2. CEO, Financial Immunities Ltd., Israel's largest financial risk management firm – advises to hundreds of international and domestic Israeli companies. adam@immunities.co.il President CFO Forum, founder of Israel Economic Leaders organisation, whose member's are senior executives from leading companies of the Israeli economy. Served as members of the board in public companies. Kainan holds an MBA from Tel- Aviv university. kainan@cfo-forum.org
3. o GDP growth o Resilience & Stability o Debt to GDP Ratio o Unemployment rate & participation
4. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Israel's population increased from 6.22 million to 8.64 million. Israel's GDP reached more than 300 billion $. GDP per capita of some 36,000 $ puts Israel in 24th place out of 187 countries. TelAviv.Photo:EliMesser
5. Over $ 100 billion foreign-exchange reserves make Israel one of the leading countries in terms of foreign- exchange reserves per capita. An excellent indication of FINANCIAL STABILITY HIGH FLEXIBILITY The Israeli economy is more immune to world-wide slowdown, due to the flexibility of thousands of export companies dispersed across many industries. Resilience stemming from a combination of Flexibility & Stability
6. Israel is one of only two developed economies in which Debt to GDP Ratio is shrinking debt to GDP ratio (percent) Ashdod
7. Israel's Employment rates had the highest increase among OECD countries. OECD Report 2014
8. o Technological advantage o The Entrepreneurial Advantage o The Global Advantage o Demographic Advantage of the Israeli's economy
9. Technological Advantage Space Club Israel is one of only 8 countries that can launch satellites into space. All others are much bigger: Russia, USA, France, Japan, China, UK and India. 1st in cyber security 2nd in public expenditure on education 3rd in qualified engineers in the labor market Cyber security Club Israel belong to the global Cyber Club, which includes five : USA, China, Russia, UK and Israel. All much bigger economies.
10. Cloud Solutions architect, Cloud Platform engineer, GUI designer, Nanotechnologist, CRM database administrator, Database architect, Director of Health Information Network, InfoSec Systems Project manager, Machine Learning engineer, Webmaster, Web designer, Application Support analyst, Marcom professional, Director of Visual Communication, PHP Developer, Behavior design psychologist, Cyber expert, Website Protection expert, Information Security administrator, Application Infrastructure engineer, Full Stack developer, SW developer, Community manager, Blog manager, Cyber researcher, Bioinformatician, Hacking Defined expert, Exploit Writing expert, Malware Analysis expert, Mobile Security expert, Content strategist, Big Data analyst... Israel #1 in the world in the amount of Unicorns per capita. Unicorn is the name of a private company valued at over $ 1 billion Israel is the world leader of R&D employees per capita with 140 per 10,000. In a far second is the USA, with 85 per 10,000. In a world that is rapidly losing professions to mechanization and robotics, Israeli high-tech is creating entirely new professions at a faster pace Israel ranks # 2in the world at the level of innovation This is one reason unemployment in Israel will remain low. The challenge is to connect additional populations to the technological environment .
11. RobertYisraelAumann AvramHershko Arieh Warshel Ada Yonath Daniel Kahneman Michael Levitt Aaron Ciechanover Dan Shechtman Israel is # 3rd in the world for the No. of Turing awards in computing. 30%of winners of the Gí¶delPrize for outstanding papers in theoretical computer science are Israelis. 8Israeli Nobellaureates from the beginning of the 21st century, make Israel the no. 1 country of Nobel Prize winners per capita. That means 50 times more than their weight in world population.
12. Entrepreneurial Advantage Israel has a remarkably high level of entrepreneurial activity, mostly opportunity-driven and export-oriented GEM – Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2016 Total early stage entrepreneurial activity – percentage of 18-64 population who either nascent entrepreneur or owner-manager of a new business Entrepreneurial Intention – percentage of 18-64 population who are latent entrepreneur and who intend to start a business within three years
13. Global Advantage 3-4 generations of immigrants from around the globe that have vast knowledge of foreign languages and cultures Developed entrepreneurial culture and boldness Long-term focus on exporting High-tech that produces lots of completely new types of jobs Military technology filters into the civilian economy Jacob & Mitia Reuter With Mongolian clients, In the 1920s.
14. 86 Nasdaq Israeli companies The highest number after USA and China Over 350 leading international companies Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Google, Apple, HP, Cisco, Motorola, Philips, Applied Materials, EMC, Siemens and many others, chose Israel as a target to establish R&D centers All Products are developed for the world. Israel is just a Beta Site.
15. ISRAEL Cypr NetherlandChina Kore Austra ISRAEL Hungary Turkey Portugal Finland Sweden Ireland Spain ISRAEL USA Argentina Uruguay Brazil France Russia Italy ISRAEL Germany Greece Czech Rep. Bulgaria Lithuania Slovenia Denmark R&D Agreements
16. ISRAEL Russia Singapore Slovak Rep. Slovenia South Africa e ISRAEL Denmark Estonia Ethiopia Finland Greece Georgia Germany Greece Hungary India Ireland Italy Jamaica Romania ISRAEL Japan Latvia Lithuania uxemburg Malta Mexico Moldova Netherlands Norway Panama Philippines Poland Portugal ISRAEL Austria Belarus Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Croatia Czech Republic TAX Agreements
17. "¢ Youngest population in the OECD, median age of 30 (median age of 42 in the OECD) "¢ 3rd most educated population in the world "¢ Positive immigration "¢ Highest fertility rate within the developed countries Demographic advantage
18. Constant improvements it matriculation exams results Ben Gurion University students, 2013
19. Poverty rate & inequality will decrease as more ultra-orthodox Jews and Israeli-Arabs join the workforce and fulfill their potential
20. lower tax rates
21. o Victory over the Desert o Energy revolution o Transportation revolution
22. Victory over the Desert Israel, surrounded by desert, has today more water than it needs. Almost 100% of all water supply to households is from desalination. Israel is the number 1 leader in waste-water recycling with a rate of 90% (Australia, the second has a rate of only 22%).
23. Israel will reach energy independence within 3 years and will become an energy exporter within 5 years. EnergyRevolution The state of Israel is expected to receive royalties and tax from gas exploitation in the amount of more than $ 80 billion in the 30 years to come.
24. The drop in oil prices contributes more to the Israeli economy than to mostother developed economies
25. Significantly increase in public transport development budget. Transportation Revolution
26. Israel's Ben Gurion Airport ranked one of 10 best airports in the world And the best airport around the globe for shopping...
27. "¢ Poverty & inequality "¢ Cost of living "¢ Redundant Regulation and bureaucracy "¢ Press lost its way "¢ Defense expenditures
28. Cost of living
29. Poverty Rates & Gini coefficients Taub Center 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Ultra Orthodox Jews Israeli Arabs Others 57 50 13 70 57 27 % of households under the poverty line (2012) after before tax and transfers Improving factors due to the labor force participation increasing within Ultra-Orthodox Jews and Israeli-Arab groups, which are the main Households under the poverty line
30. The HDI is a composite statistic of: "¢ life expectancy "¢ Education "¢ Income
31. The Place for the Future Israel ranked Higher than Britain, France, Japan and Italy in a worthwhileness where to be born Economist Index, for healthy, safe and prosperous life in years to come. Photo:EliMesser
32. Dr. Adam Reuter CEO Financial Immunities Ltd. Noga Kainan President CFO Forum for more info or updates: sec@Islandofsuccess.org
33. The main reason for this presentation is to introduce and explain this wonder that so many people are interested in: a country that succeeded against all odds. A safe- heaven for prosecuted Jews anywhere, creating in the process a revolution in agriculture, winning the desert, building defense industries that are reaching exceptional solutions such as the "Iron Dome", exporting the phenomenon of "Start- up Nation", achieving a rate of GDP growth which is second highest of all OECD countries since the 2008 crisis and suffering probably the least from that crisis. A country that is the third most educated nation in the world, and produced since the beginning of the 21st century the biggest number of Nobel Prize winners in relation to the size of the population. One of only eight countries that can launch satellites into space and create such powerful secret services like the Mossad and the best air force in the world. A country that invests more in R & D than any other country, despite a chronic shortage of resources in an atmosphere plunged in chaos and disintegration under an "Islamic winter". A country of great achievements in Music, Literature and Architecture. A country for the future. ISRAEL.